Who are we to disrespect women,
the vessel in which all human life passes.
There are so many lessons we are taught at a young age we forget when we get older. For some of us we never learned the basics so I will go over the basics over the next few blogs. Think you know all about the basics? Then maybe this will be just a refresher but from the world we live in its my belief many never knew or have lost basic skills on how to treat a woman. First and foremost basic number one is to respect all women. As I sat for hours pondering what to say about respecting women.... It came to me like a strike of lighting crashing down. The teaching of respect for women starts with your mother. Now this does not have to be a birth mother. This can be any women who raised you and raised you right. The teaching to respect her and cherish the fact that she was there for you. Everyone has someone in their life that was a motherly figure in some way shape or form. For me it was all about my Great Aunt. She was no graceful woman or meek woman. This was a strong solid woman who could teach boys to be men and girls to be women. I had and will always have the utmost respect for this women. Thank you Joan Slade for all that you did and this first blog comes from many of your teachings and life as I experienced it myself. The topics I discuss and the things I write may seem directed at men but is to create a greater foundation. If you can effect the boy who wants to be a man then you will help women not want to disrespect themselves. First for men who do not know I will break down this word respect for you and start with the word Respect as defined in the dictionary:
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These are forgotten aspects of our daily life and relationships. These definitions are seemingly lost in a world that seems to believe the more rights a woman has the less respect she is to receive. Looking around to see men who show respect for women is a lost cause that I hope to fight for in my life. Men if you haven't already realized that sleeping with multiple women and being in a relationship with one and using the other ones. Really... Do I even need to begin to say what is wrong with this picture. If I do need to explain why this is wrong then you may need further help then I can give.
Respect is something that is earned and guess what women are allow to inherit this in life. Realize that without their sacrifice and strength you would be nothing but a smear on a towel or an aborted being. Sorry if that was too graphic but you understand my point is that strong. Women hold the secrets of life of being able to survive something the size of a small watermelon coming out the size of something smaller than the size of a doughnut's hole. This should be a basic understanding for a foundation of where a women's respect begins and doesn't end.
Alright so I'm sure everyone is ready for me to get the relationship part of this because that is what I like to talk about. Starting off slow for those who are looking to build strong relationship with women please start with this tip. Save your profanity for the fellas. Going back to the beginning of this whole thing women are like your mother and there should never be a point in your life you should call your mother a b****. If you are at that point lets start here in saying all together I will not call my mother or any women a B**** again. This is not respectful and is unacceptable by any standards. That right here is basic basic..... and hopefully doesn't need to be repeated in later blogs.
Another basic skill around respect for women is when you have a women or trying to get that special women start by stopping the action of putting her down. Its time for men to praise their women for what they do right and stop using their wives or girlfriends or even friends as punching bags. Save your put down for when you want to joke with the fellas because women don't need your put downs. You want see your woman smile say something about her that praises her on Facebook, to your friends, or just directly to her. Seems so simple but many men have forgotten women are not always praised for the wonderful things they do everyday. If you want to know how it feels, go to work everyday and never get any praises or raises and see how you feel. Doesn't feel to good huh? Try doing this everyday for the rest of your life.... Scary thought but that's how little women are praised for the wonderful beings that they are and can be to us if we treat them right.
Here is another simple thing that men are starting to forget. Try discussing your business with just your woman and not half of the world. I see so many men online talking about their "baby mama" (I use this term as a reference not a definition). Even worse they are spreading it on the web which last forever. Lets try to keep our business to our own bedrooms. I take time on several occasions myself to pull my wife aside to just talk about concerns. Instead of getting mad and blasting it online for the world to see and judge her like she is truly the monster the words will make her out to be in the status. I take her aside and discuss how I feel about something or express myself through a constructive activity. Trust me I've made this mistake before and it had horrible repercussion. Just remember what your friends think of your women is a direct reflection of you and it should be a sign of respect.
Many men don't know how to respect their women in relationships. Watch your mate next time you hang out with your friends. Does he sit by you or sit by them? Does he sit by you but stare at them the whole time? Men don't make this mistake, I've caught myself in this trap before with my wife and her friends. My action were unintentional but still disrespectful and I've since corrected myself because overall that's the big lesson we should all obtain from these blogs I write.
Last point to wrap this first blog up will be about being "straight up" with your woman. This is not an option but necessity to be in the basics. If you want to see several women at once at least have the common courtesy to discuss this with them all. Granted this should not be happening at all in the first place. If you feel a need to hide something then you should not be in that relationship or not "talking" to that woman you feel you need to keep secrets from when talking. I've come clean about so many things I've done and it was hard and put many holes in the walls of our relationship but we worked hard and patched each hole with love and came out stronger for it. A simple way to begin this is by discussing your status with each other and keeping it honest consistently. I found it easier to tell the truth than remember a lie.
I hope for a first blog someone can say that got something out of this. I want to spread the foundation down for men to step up and be men. This will help women to be women. I hope to write to inspire a younger generation to be better than the generation I see today. I will be a father soon and want and will have my daughter respected like I respect my wife.
Special thanks to my Wife, my unborn child, my belated Aunt Joanie, and My friend Kerry who inspired to put my words down.
Well that's just MY 3 Cents.
For a first post you definitely knocked it out of the park! Blogging like a pro already. On a serious note though, I'm so glad that you created this blog and you're choosing to share your 3 cents because so many of the younger generation is straight up clueless. And they are looking to what the see in the media, especially the Internet as a guide on how to live their lives.
ReplyDeleteI feel so much better knowing that you've joined the ranks in fighting to bring back the days of respect, morals and just being an overall good person! I'm so proud of you for starting this blog because it's hard to put yourself out there in such a public space. I'm humbled to know that I am part of the reason you were motivated to start it! I'm always here if you need me friend!